

  • Xu, Yizhou. (2021, June). Dislocating Chineseness: Paratextuality of Chinese Mobile Game Production in Going Abroad. 18th Chinese Internet Research Conference (CIRC) Conference. *Virtual

  • Xu, Yizhou. (2021, March). Locked Down but not Locked Out: DingTalk and Digital Workplace Surveillance in Times of COVID-19. Symposium on Narratives of COVID-19 in China and the World: Technology, Society, and Nations. Center on Digital Culture and Society, University of Pennsylvania. *Virtual

  • Xu, Yizhou. (2020, October). Projecting Orientalism: Game of Sultans and the Politics of Reskinned Chinese Mobile Games. 2020 Chinese DiGRA Conference. University of Nottingham – Ningbo. *Virtual

  • Xu, Yizhou. (2020, June). Faking Engagement: CRI’s Digital Media Influence in Laos and the Limits of Chinese Soft Power. ICA Preconference on Social Media, Algorithms, News, and Public Engagement in the Asia-Pacific and Beyond. *Virtual

  • Xu, Yizhou. (2020, April). Haier Brothers, Everyday Appliances and the Queer Production of Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures. Media Industries Conference. London, UK. *Canceled due to COVID-19

  • Xu, Yizhou. (2020, March). Faking Engagement: CRI’s Digital Media Influence in Laos and the Limits of Chinese Soft Power. NYU-Shanghai Global China Conference, Shanghai, China. *Canceled due to COVID-19

  • Xu, Yizhou. (2019, March). Sonic Arenas: Radiosports and Civil-Military Interaction During Mao-era China. Society of Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) 2019 Conference. Seattle, WA.

  • Xu, Yizhou. (2018, May). Machinic Dreams: Technographic Inquiry into the Censorship of Chinese Chatbots. Presented at ICA Pre-Conference on Data and Publics. Prague, CZ.

  • Xu, Yizhou. (2018, March).Video Essay: Danmu Culture and Postmodernity. Presented at 5th Trans/Asia Graduate Student Conference. Madison, WI.

  • Xu, Yizhou. (2017, June). Digitizing Death: The Virtual Commemoration of Joss Paper Rituals. Presented at Symposium on Digital Formations and Chinese Experiences: Creation, Appropriation, and Circulation. Penn Wharton Center, Beijing, China.

  • Xu, Yizhou. (2017, May). Digitizing Death: The Virtual Commemoration of Joss Paper Rituals. Presented at ICA Pre-Conference on Varieties of Public and Counterpublics. San Diego, CA.

  • Xu, Yizhou. (2016, July). Digital Palimpsest: The Postmodern Aesthetics of Chinese Online Comment Cultures. Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Communication and the Public. Penn Warton Center, Beijing, China.


  • Xu, Yizhou. (2019, November). Dislocating Chineseness: Paratextuality of Chinese Mobile Game Production in Going Abroad. Workshop at Sun Yat-Sen University. Guangzhou, China

  • Xu, Yizhou. (2019, November). Faking Engagement: CRI’s Digital Media Influence in Laos and the Limits of Chinese Soft Power. Workshop at Sun Yat-Sen University. Guangzhou, China

  • Xu, Yizhou. (2016, June). Digital Palimpsest: The Postmodern Aesthetics of Chinese Online Comment Cultures. Presented at workshop at Soochow University. Suzhou, China.

  • Xu, Yizhou. (2013, August). “Digital media and censorship in China”. Invited workshop for the Stanford School of Business GSB Workshop. Beijing, China.